It's been four weeks since Easter. I can hardly believe it. Things have been going great at the church. Attendance has been up and we're getting some return visitors. This past week was the 125th anniversary of the first meeting to elect trustees to start our church. It's an exciting and important anniversary.
Spring is coming. It's barely here, but it's coming. I nearly froze to death at the boys' varsity baseball opener two weeks ago. To top it off, we had snow this past Sunday. It melted right away, but it fell for hours in the morning.
Maybe it was winter's last gasp. Still, we're below freezing each night and in the fifties in the day. My mom would love this weather (she's coming in a few weeks, I hope it's still cold enough for her).
The change of seasons brings a change in life. People are out and about. This is Spring Break for the kids, so they're all over the town. It's nice. We love Arkport! More very soon...