Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back from the Res

I suck at blogging! I got back from my mission trip to the Navajo Nation. It was a good trip. I worked on the concrete teams. I had to set forms, mix concrete and pour two small pads and a very long ramp. Altogether, we mixed over 8,000 pounds of concrete. This year's work site was in southeast Utah. It's the first time I've spend significant time in Utah, and I must say that it's a lovely place. I hope to go back soon!

I'm now back in the office, trying to jump back into my normal like. Part of me doesn't want to. I'm trying to preserve a bit of my mission lifestyle back in The World.

This week is my church's Vacation Bible School. Five nights of fun with the local kids. It's going quite well, but it throws our schedule off and is tiring. Still, it's a good time.

More soon...