It was an exciting day in the car yesterday. I left the house before 9:00am and arrived in Chattanooga around 8:00pm. I ran into two separate rush hours (Washington and Knoxville). I listened to a lot of music on my MP3 player (the radio on my car is starting to go). After Knoxville, the batteries died on the MP3 player and it was me singing to myself to stay awake. Lots of bad road food. Ug.
When I got to the Saint Andrew's Center, there was a presentation already underway. Andy Mendonsa, the founder of Widow's Harvest Ministries, was telling of his experiences. Twenty years ago, Andy found that God was calling him to serve the widows of his community. In turn, he discovered their deep, dependent faith in God and their power as partners in prayer.
Andy has gone back to the Bible and found that the "office" of widow in Scripture is one of prayer. Rather than being overlooked and forgotten, they must be cared for (or course) and honored as valuable members of the faith community. It was a great presentation. We'll be seeing Andy again today.
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