Tuesday, July 17, 2007

New Baby on the Horizon?

I's been too long since I've posted. Many things have been going on that are very exciting. Kristen and I are settling into Arkport nicely. It's a totally different way of life that the hustle and bustle of Northern Virginia. I've got to mow the grass today, something I haven't done since 1983!! This morning, at 6:45, it was 52 degrees! Take that, DC!!

The big news is on the adoption front. We've been approached by a woman who would like us to adopt her baby. She's a friend-of-a-friend and has heard about our difficulties. It's all very sudden and wonderful. We met her face-to-face last week and are moving ahead at full speed. The catch is that she's eight months pregnant! Normally, this process takes months and months (often over a year), but this one's going to take much less.

We're expediting the paperwork as much as possible, but some things can only be rushed so much. If the baby arrives before it's all done, we can take temporary legal custody until it is. The catch is that the baby can't leave Virginia! Kristen may need to go and live with my mom for a few weeks while things are sorted out. We'll see how it goes. It's happening crazy-fast!

With all the last-minute adoption preparations, we decided that we could not afford, time-wise, to go on the mission trip to the Navajo. That was disappointing--for us and for our friends on the team--but the decision was really a no-brainer.

So, we're filling out forms and deciding on baby names.

1 comment:

Beth said...

What good news!!!! I'll be thinking of you!