Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, it's 2008! It's been a whirlwind since Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve service at the church, then we dashed off to Saint Mary's, Pennsylvania Christmas morning, where we spent a few days doing not much at all. It was just what the doctor ordered!

We had some friends from Virginia visit over New Year's. They brought their three dogs, so it was an exciting adventure keeping them separate from Baby (they did not play nicely). We saw I Am Legend in the theater. I liked it well enough, but thought it was a rip-off of The Omega Man. I went home and looked it up on Wikipedia and they were both adaptations of the same novel. No wonder!

Now I'm getting in the swing of this new year. I got a good bit done at the office. I'm preparing for the church's annual Charge Conference, which will be held on Monday night. Lots of paperwork. Ug. Still, I'm getting my hands around the church's membership records. Fun, fun, fun!

It was 17 degrees this morning, with a bitterly cold wind. I took the dog out at 6:30 in sweatpants, which were not up to the challenge. I almost froze before Baby took care of business. The temperature dropped from there. It was up to 18 degrees on the Steuben Trust clock/thermometer sign this afternoon. Brrrrr... I think I'm OK coat-wise, but I really don't have any special cold weather footgear. I need to work on that.

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